
My First Impression on Yale

    The first day when I came to Yale, I had  a kind of embarrassed happiness,sort of happiness and excitement after we experienced embarrassing and frustrating situations.I think these two extreme feelings made our first day in Yale especially unforgettable.
    When I and my colleagues got off Greyhound bus from Boston, we were told the International Center on 421 Temple Street is near with ten-minute's walking distance.So we decided to walk there with heavy luggage,but we got lost.When we finally took a Vango taxi to the Office of International Students and Scholars, the door was locked. Nobody was waiting for us and we didn't know where to go. Then one of Yale staff, a lady came. She kindly helped us to find the Registration Office after a lot of inquiries.
    This is my first impression on Yale staff. They are very kind, responsible and warm-hearted. They have a kind of pride of their working place. When we thanked the lady staff who helped us. She said,"That's OK. I am working for my university."
    After we finished check-in, we only felt excited and happy about everything here: the dormitory, the beautiful old buildings in Yale.We took a lot of photos of these buildings. Yale University after sunset is extremely beautiful, quiet and soothing.

